Every day when your alarm goes off, you hesitantly pull yourself out of bed. You feel defeated and unsure of what the day will hold. It's already Thursday and you realize that you haven't even completed HALF of what you needed to this week.
You sit back, close your eyes, and let out a big sigh. You feel crushed under the weight of your never-ending list of 'to dos' and wonder if you'll ever feel like the productive person you wish and hope to be.
You open your laptop and read over all the things you hope to accomplish today, knowing full well you will not get nearly as much done as you want to.
"What am I doing wrong?" You ask yourself as a wave of defeat washes over you once more.
"What's the secret to being productive and actually getting the things I need to DONE?"...
that helps them CRUSH their to-do list with EASE...
When to DELEGATE a task to a teammate...
When to DELAY a task for later...
When to DELETE a task altogether!
Donzio helps you easily and quickly organize your tasks so you can be certain you're ONLY spending time doing
IMPORTANT tasks that you LOVE to do.
With Donzio, you'll add your tasks to the app & rank them according to how much you LIKE doing the task and how PROFITABLE the task is.
Then Donzio will automatically organize each task into the following 4 categories...
Your TOP priorities should be tasks that you LOVE to do and are highly PROFITABLE!
That's why, your top 3 most loved and highly profitable tasks each day will show up in the 'Do' category.
Tasks that are profitable, but aren't your favorite to do fall under the 'Delegate' category.
These are tasks that should be assigned to your teammates to be completed.
Mundane tasks that aren't the most profitable and that you don't like doing should be delayed for later.
These tasks are not a high priority for you.
Tasks that add no significance to your profits and take time away from other things should be deleted entirely from your to do list.